2 year old Baby Josephine Wambui who died in the fatal crash.She was the only child who perished during the accident.Her mother is admitted at Nakuru PGH hospital

Nine victims of a road crash were buried in Nyandarua County yesterday.

The nine, all members of Kiboya Self Help Group, were killed in a freak accident along the Nyeri-Nyahururu road as they returned home from a burial in Mukurwe-ini, Nyeri County.

Hundreds of mourners including leaders from the region attended a joint mass at Ngai Ndeithia Secondary School. Public Service Cabinet Secretary Sicily Kariuki read President Uhuru Kenyatta's condolence message.

In his speech, the President condoled with the families and promised that the Government would help them in whatever way it could. He gave a personal contribution of Sh500,000.

Others who attended the ceremony were Nyandarua Governor Francis Kimemia, Senator Mwangi Githiomi, Ndaragwa MP Jeremiah Kioni and Woman Representative Faith Gitau.

Also present were women representatives Wangui Ngirici (Kirinyaga), Catherine Waruguru (Laikipia) and Nyeri's Rahab Mukami.

Overload vehicle

Emotions ran high when one of the survivors, Margaret Wanjira, recounted how they had pleaded with the driver to stop speeding.

She said they had also pleaded with the driver, Washington Kingori, a teacher at Baari Primary School, not to overload the vehicle, but he ignored them.

“We are all regretting why this had to happen to the members of one village, who were coming from the burial of one of our members' relatives. It is sad because we pleaded with the driver as we passed Nyeri town but he did not listen to us,” she said.

“I was seated in the front seat and I could hear the other passengers, including his own mother, complaining but he did not listen. I took it upon myself to tell him when we reached Ndaragwa town but little did we know that we would have an accident a few minutes later.”

Among those who died were two-year-old Josephine Wambui, Grace Wanjiru, Lucy Wambui, Ann Muthoni, Flora Nyambura, Agnes Nyambura, Lydia Wambui, Jane Murugi and Mr Kingori.

Remain tough

Leaders who spoke at the ceremony called on the Government to remain tough in enforcing traffic rules.

They blamed corruption on Kenyan roads for the increasing number of accidents in the country.

“There is no way we can fight this without first dealing with corruption on our roads. Government agencies must remain tough and deal with this menace,” said Ms Gitau.

Governor Kimemia said passengers should be keen on the roads.

“We should be everyone’s keeper. Passengers should report all those who flout traffic rules,” he said.

Ms Ngirici called for the amendment of traffic laws to introduce tough fines for those who flout them.

Five people are still admitted at Nyahururu County Referral Hospital and Nakuru Provincial General Hospital.

Kiboya is a welfare organisation through which members contribute and save money for their social activities. Among these is the provision of water and also women's enterprises.

Ms Wanjira said she was devastated and did not know what would happen now that eight members of the group had died.

“This is a very sad story to tell. I don’t know what will happen next now that most of the members are gone. It is still unbelievable,” she said.

Same village

The group was started in 2005 and has more than 100 members from the same village.

Some of the activities are the Kiboya water project, buying tents and chairs for hire and helping the needy.

Every member contributes Sh300 every month.

"This group has helped the region grow. It is a big blow that some of our most dedicated members have left us," said Titus Wahome, a local elder.

Ndaragwa MP Kioni said the group was instrumental in the running of residents' affairs.