At a time when there is gnashing of teeth in many parts of the country which feel left out during the nomination of cabinet secretaries, the situation is quite different in a county in Northern Kenya.

As soon President Uhuru Kenyatta announced his Cabinet and it was evident he had left out their prominent son from the list of the CSs he had retained, there were spontaneous celebrations. We are told the CS has been accused of splitting a powerful clan that advocates negotiated democracy.

Although the CS was a beneficiary of this power-sharing deal, he abused his office by appointing 15 out 24 directors of State corporations from his own sub-clan.

Now the feeling in the county is that the residents would be better off without a ministerial flag instead of having a CS who does not respect the elders.

By the way, the elders have been calling daily to inquire whether there is a possibility of the CS making it back. The suspense has made them hold back in organising a major bash to celebrate the CS's fall.