Al Shabaab fighters train outside Mogadishu. [file, Standard)

Al Shabaab has lost support amongst its Kenyan middle-level commanders over the indiscriminate killing of Muslims in Mandera and Garissa, an intelligence report says.

The commanders are reported to be incensed by the killings in the two towns claimed by Al Shabaab.

“Earlier in the year, middle level commanders who are mostly from Northern Kenya expressed fury over killings in Mandera and Garissa that ended up targeting and killings of Muslims,” the intelligence reports says.

There is an ongoing supremacy battle within Al Shabaab over allegations that some of its leaders are advancing personal interests.

For instance, the October 14 Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device attack in Mogadishu by Al Shabaab that claimed more than 400 lives led to huge criticism of the group’s leader Ahmad Diriye.

High level commanders including Council of Shurah that approves targets criticised the attack. Reports say Diriye made the decision without consulting other commanders.

The report further says Diriye alias Abu Ubeidha has faced several insubordination incidents from his deputy, governors and several mid-level commanders since he replaced the slain Emir Ahmed Godane in September 2014.

The commanders are allegedly disobeying his orders although Diriye is keen on stamping his unpopular authority among the militants.

The execution in 2017 of the highest number of local and foreign fighters on spying allegations for AMISOM, Somalia National Army and US forces has further alienated the Somalia Al Shabaab leadership. “The militants were killed on allegations of spying for the Somali National Army, AMISOM troops and US Forces who are conducting aerial bombardments inside Somalia.

However, a source confirmed that most of the militants were killed because of expressing divergent views with Diriye,” the intelligence report says.

Diriye is now targeting the group’s top-level commanders who he considers a threat to his leadership including Mahat Karate who is part of the Amniyat (intelligence unit). Mahat has accused Diriye of being tyrannical, close-minded and has straying from ‘the true path of jihad’.