President Uhuru Kenyatta, DP Ruto and other Jubilee leaders address crowd in Mumias.

President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto have exuded confidence that they will win the repeat presidential election on October 26.

They reiterated that the elections will go on as planned as NASA leader Raila Odinga has no power to stop them.

They asked Raila to accept defeat saying they will not allow a Grand Coalition Government.

“We will not accept a Grand Coalition Government. It will never happen, Raila should just be ready for defeat,” said the President while addressing leaders from Kakamega, Bungoma, Vihiga and Busia counties at Kakamega Approved School grounds, yesterday.

Kenyatta maintained that he remains the president until a new one is sworn in dismissing calls by NASA for a care taker Government.

He said there will be no power vacuum as the law allows him to stay in office until a new president is elected.

“I will continue to serve as the president until a new president is elected and sworn in. There is nothing like care taker Government,” he said.

The president said the NASA team is not interested in electoral reforms despite Raila’s calls for “no reforms no election.”

“He is insisting that he wants changes at the electoral agency before participating in the elections, we have forwarded the reforms as directed by the Supreme Court to the National Assembly but now he is opposing the changes,” Kenyatta said.

The Head of State said that Raila was hoping that Jubilee would reject the Supreme Court verdict to trigger chaos in the country.

Trigger violence

“He wanted to trigger violence but we were keen and respected the ruling. Our interest is to have peace and unity in this country. Our agenda is to unite Kenyans not bloodshed,” he said.

He accused NASA of thriving on propaganda with an agenda of dividing Kenyans along tribal lines.

“We should unite all Kenyans and not engage into divisive politics. I appreciate the votes I got from this region. You did commendable work, kindly turn out in large numbers and vote for me again in the repeat election. IEBC did not commit any offense and we are sure of a win,” he said.

The DP accused Raila of opposing changes to the electoral law aimed at taking the country forward.

“The electoral amendments are meant to deal with mischief during elections. Raila does not want such reforms yet he is busy calling for changes. The changes can only be done through the right channels not by going to the streets,” said Ruto. He announced that Jubilee is ready to work with Western region to form an inclusive Government.

“Our agenda is to unite all Kenyans. We want to develop all parts of this nation. We request you to support us during the repeat election,” he said.

Former Cabinet Minister Noah Wekesa asked the Luhya community to support Kenyatta saying they stand to benefit from Jubilee than from NASA.

“Jubilee decided to dissolve all parties to form one party with the interest of uniting all Kenyans. The community should be in Government and we will support Kenyatta for presidency,” Dr Wekesa said.

Former Funyula MP Paul Otuoma asked NASA principal Musalia Mudavadi to leave the Opposition.

“It is clear Mudavadi has no space in NASA. He should quit the alliance because after Raila, it will be Kalonzo Musyoka,” Dr Otuoma said.

He said he will ensure Raila loses in Western and he delivers the votes to Kenyatta.

“This is the opportune time for the community to form the Government. Raila should be a worried man because he is losing this region. Let him come and we will show him that we moved with our votes. We will triple the votes Kenyatta got last time,” he said.

Define our destiny

Former Budalang’i MP Ababu Namwamba said the community will no longer support the NASA leader for presidency.

“Western has reached a point of no return to support Raila. We want to define our destiny and today our unity has started and we will vote for Kenyatta,” Namwamba said.

Former MPs Yusuf Chanzu (ANC) and Alfred Khang’ati (ODM) who contested the Vihiga and Bungoma gubernatorial seats respectively and defected to Jubilee attended the rally.

“Kenyatta won the August election and he is set to win again. Raila should accept to retire and leave leadership to the youth," Chanzu said.

Khang’ati said he was in the frontline to campaign for Raila in Bungoma but he is ready to ‘kill’ ODM in the region.

“I was among the few people who campaigned for Raila when others left him. I have decided to abandon him and I will ensure he does not get votes from this region. I will work for his downfall in Western and deliver the votes for Uhuru,” Khang’ati said.

Mumias East MP Ben Washiali who is the Majority Chief Whip said the community will triple the votes for Kenyatta.

“It has taken a long time for the community to embrace change and support Jubilee but now we have embraced Kenyatta. We will vote for Kenyatta," Washiali said.