Ababu Namwamba

Labor Party of Kenya leader Ababu Namwamba has claimed that National Super Alliance (NASA) is not ready for August polls.

He said NASA has resorted to endless court cases which might interfere with the planned elections slated for August 8, 2017.

The Budalang'i legislator claimed that NASA want elections postponed to pave way for a caretaker government similar to the grand coalition government.

"We have some people who are fearing to face the elections as planned. For the last six months they have been using courts to dismantle what IEBC has planned," said Namwamba.

He said the election date will not be changed and those not ready for the election should stop interfering with the electoral process.

He noted that the constitution provides for that the election should be held every second Tuesday of August every fifth year.

"I am a lawyer and the law is clear that any ruling must be in the best interest of the public. The judges should not take activism in their judicial ruling and process," he said.

He blamed the courts for putting a lot of road blocks for the electoral commission which might affect free and fair elections.

"Elections must be held as planned. The courts should determine the cases in a manner that will not postpone elections," Namwamba said.

"We will not allow for a coalition government. We do not want nusu mkate government again."