The tough climatic changes experienced this year should be an eye opener and a lesson for Kenyans. For many years, deforestation has been a norm in this country. We have witnessed massive forests cleared without a thought for the future.

If authorities mandated to protect our forests will not up their game to see loggers dealt with effectively, our country faces desertification in the near future.

It is worrying when we see huge forests such as Mau and Timboroa forests brought down by loggers who only think about their personal gain and never about the future of the country.More worrying too is how the Kenya Forest Service allows such individuals to engage in this dangerous enterprise knowing the consequences it carries.

As we complain about maize shortage and low rainfall in the country, it is every Kenyan’s duty to address the massive deforestation.

Those entrusted with protecting forests should not seek personal gain at the expense of the country’s climate