The previous party primaries have witnessed a series of violence and demolition.

Some party members in ODM such as Midiwo has termed the primaries as unfair and not credible. Party leaders have attached themselves to political aspirants and this brings in favourism. It leads to bribery and rigging practices to ensure that predetermined political aspirants win the nominations. When leaders show favour on one side it brings out poor nomination process. Some political figures are important stakeholders to party leaders. The leaders, therefore fear losing these main figures that will help out during the campaigns.
The aspirants who are not attached to political party leaders face hotly contested seats. Many of them have complained of unfairness because the leaders endorse their rivals during campaigns indirectly. This is the reason as to why party primaries are facing challenges.
The leaders should detach their support of political aspirants during these party primaries. They should leave the aspirants to campaign independently for support and not come in to twist the voters’ decision. This brings division and split between the aspirants who easily incite the voters citing unfairness.

The leaders should not use the primaries to control the election process to suit their needs. That is the reason as to why some other party members decide to defer to other parties before it is too late.