There has been an interest in many Kenyans and especially in all NASA supporters of who will be chosen as the presidential flag bearer. The four principals have been giving promises to Kenyans of unveiling a flag bearer but have been unable to come up with one.

What the principals are unable to proclaim is they have been unable to come to an agreement. This is a move just to keep the coalition intact and cohesive.

For a period of time, it has not been clear whether Chama cha Mashinani (CCM) will join the opposition move but it was anticipated that the deal was on the table. By CCM joining the opposition should be able to bring out a clear direction to the principals.

The opposition still has a good number of days before the General Election to convince voters that the movement is strong. We believe that all the major players are now in the field and a decision should be able to be reached upon quickly. This will aid the opposition in sustaining its support.

The coming of Governor Isaac Ruto into the coalition is a correct move and as well holds an equal wrong move. If the principals will continue to lead their supporters in no definite direction then Ruto’s coming will only cause more propaganda.

The leaders should be able to offset this propaganda that arises each and every day. The CCM party leader joining the four principals brings in a question whether he will hold the same position as the other principals.

The problem that political leaders continue to have is that they do not reveal the details of their agreement unless the deal goes bad. That is the time they will take to spin the mood and electrify the voters.
Kenyans concern of NASA failure to agree on a presidential candidate is made to be forced to reduce with Rutto into the system.

The opposition has a reason to proclaim to its supporters that they are agreeing on various issues for them to be able to do a successful takeover of power from Jubilee Government.

We expect to hear of a consensus soon and not the usual propaganda. The coming of the CCM leader into the opposition is a good fortune for the opposition. Kenyans should give space for them to declare a serious candidate.