The IEBC has taken the right step by creating the code of conduct for political parties. This is the best step to seeing peaceful elections. The political atmosphere as we near the elections has been tense.

Controlling how the politicians behave and the utterances during campaigns is the key to regulating violence during elections. Giving politicians a legal guide for their behaviour to address situations just before the politicians are taken to court.

The parties did not readily agree to the rules but were forced to sign. Politicians have been campaigning without being mindful of their ethics and conduct. Spreading lies and negative speech, engaging in violence, violating rules, using public resources to campaign and purchasing of membership has been the order of the day.

It is now time for the IEBC to step in where the political parties have failed. Many popular politicians breach rules of the party. Parties favour these politicians to secure support in respective region. The code of conduct for these parties will create a tug of war.

IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati should be firm and implement the rules to ensure peaceful elections. Parties should embrace the code of conduct and punish those who violate them. This will give way to good practice and set the standards for electoral activities.