Where are we headed to as a country? I feel from evidence we are not on the right track. We are only living like people who are high on something that makes us live in a fools’ paradise. The biggest problem that affect us as a country is that the majority are easy to fool, cheat and react to emotions when making choices or arguments.

That is why as we approach another election, the results are very predictable. Jubilee under Uhuru Kenyatta has an upper hand as at today even if the alternative will either be Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka or Musalia Mudavadi. Do we really think that with our present nature of politics and economy, change will come easily?

I am one of the people who voted Uhuru thinking that since his pedigree is of riches, he would not entertain corruption. We all know today that the so-called UhuRuto regime of the last four years has been extremely corrupt.

Today, even sectors that were performing are dying slowly. Unemployment is almost blowing the country apart. Where did we go wrong that we behave like a cursed country? We may celebrate the extermination of some notorious criminals in Eastleigh because they are extremely dangerous, but we are not addressing why we have so many such crooks in Kenya today.

 Some Nairobi areas or estates like Eastleigh, Dandora, Kayole and Kariobangi have thousands of such young criminals. Part of the problem is they support politicians who seem not to mind them so long as they support them. You cannot trust the police as they are known to collude with criminals to share the loot. Everyone in Kenya seems to look for a quickest way to make money. Is Kenya cursed?

Some other estates that looked good such as Buruburu, Umoja, Zimmermann and Githurai are slowly degrading due to crime and other social evils. Others like Kawangware, Uthiru, Kinoo, Kiambu and Wangige have enough of insecurity problems. Now count the many slums in Nairobi. Nairobi is easily a slum city. Unemployment has made it horrible.

It’s not just the Nairobi County government that has failed but the national government systems have also failed. The number of street children and criminals hiding in hawking in Nairobi is really alarming. Try to touch the hawkers and you will find some politicians rising to defend them for their votes. The number of people walking in the streets of Nairobi looking for jobs are very many. In Kenya today, securing a decent job is a miracle. What kind of legacy will the top leaders be proclaiming at this rate?