Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho returned into the country after two weeks of absence in the United States to receive a warm welcome from his supporters at the coast.

The Governor came in to run a series of rallies across Mombasa drumming up for NASA support. He made several stopovers in the city. He continued citing the bad Jubilee administration.

The return of Joho into the political arena is just what NASA needs to popularise it along the coast. He has not been in action for two weeks but as Governor Joho commands a lot of support in the coast his trip to the US did not affect the numbers in any manner.

The opposition has been on the run to get back the coastal region back as its stronghold considering its neck to neck race with Jubilee.

ODM leader Raila Odinga has also been seen to groom Hassan Joho into running of ODM operations. This return has sparked a series of more campaigns in the coastal region and a busy week ahead.

It is clear that Jubilee is trying to bite into the opposition stronghold as it has affected Kwale County. Some leaders in the coast have moved in to join the Jubilee Alliance and if the opposition won’t do anything then it may lose adversely a number of votes. We expect to see rampant campaigns in the coast in search of electorate numbers.

The race for the gubernatorial seat for Mombasa County which Governor Joho seeks re-election will also involve senator Hassan Omar but Joho has assured that he has no enemies in NASA.

His term that the only enemy of the people is the Jubilee Government and has to be phased out is a strong call.

The opposition has put on a strategy to depict that they are a united front. The opposition terms the coastal region as its stronghold and that is why it will play its card very will to win the trust of voters in the region. Using the coastal kingpin is the way.