Campus relationships are based on the ideology of single and free to mingle. The focus is solely on the fun that is brought along by the campus love embraced.

 When two individuals meet, there is always this joy and urge to get to know the other person such that considerations are not taken when getting into new relationships.

 As life is based on a cycle that there is time for everything, this season in university is recognised by many as a season for singlehood and time to find a partner to mingle.

But one rule of the game is that do not be too comfortable in this freedom as many relationships don’t last because of the idealised’ team mafisi ‘and the ideology of using, dumping and trashing.

Many of the relationships end quickly just like the time they began because the people involved are self-centred to me, myself and I.

Relationships start by meeting then comes in on-line dating. As most of the time available is just free time after the lectures then it is considered the time to mingle.

The period that the two parties’ boy and girl will be in the emotional relationship is built on the time it takes for them to be intimate after it happens then the purpose n value of the relationship deteriorates.

 When ‘freshaz’ term used to refer to first years, join universities many relationships also go through breakups. The ‘team mafisi’ see fresh meat and all leave behind carcasses of broken hearts.

That is when you will find many ladies referring to as men as team mafisi as they were too much involved in the love to realise the motive of the man or to which direction their love was taking.

Research has revealed few relationships or at most none get to go through the four years in the university. The club parties are too many, the birthdays, the clubs and online groups provide social platforms for faces to meet.

Campus relationships are only based on the fact that we are only together during the learning period. The lies involved are too much for one to differentiate them from the truth.

A girl from the coastal region will just be told an empty lie with a guy from the lake region that they will get married or be meeting after university. The possibility of that happening is only one out of ten.

The only thing that can hold a lady and a girl together is if there was a bond between them. During the relationship period when the girl gets pregnant then this will be a call for them to start campus parenting and maybe think of marriage.

The percentage which is left just play around with the word love until university does them part. Eight couples in campus out of ten affirm to the fact that they have the fear of conceiving a child in campus to getting infected with the HIV virus.

When the administration allows to placing of condoms in hostel washrooms, they disappear in just a few hours.

The secret behind this is that campus students are mainly indulging themselves in sex. Sex is the only thing that is commented by a large percentage as keeping the relationship alive and running.

There is a joke that goes around that, ‘if a man or a lady tells you that he loves you and hasn’t had organic sex with you then he is lying.

 After doing it that once with no consequence then the individuals get courageous to give their relationship a status of ‘true love.’ These are the kind of relationships which only last until varsity do us part because when they meet another partner, they will consider their past relationship as an accident.