There is an allegation that the Kalonzo Musyoka foundation has been receiving money from unknown sponsors. This has made the anti-corruption office start a probe investigation into the foundation because of allegations of corruption being involved.

This sounds an alarming call for Kalonzo's political aspirations. Such corruption allegations will cause Kalonzo to be locked out because the anti-corruption body has been working so hard to bring down leaders who have misused public funds.

The wiper leader will be forced to use all the resources available to convince the other co-principals that such scandals will not defame NASA.

NASA leaders have been rallying on the call that Jubilee government is corrupt and many of their officers have mismanaged their offices.

Kalonzo now stands a lower chance of being chosen by the 12 members technical team as the NASA presidential aspirant because of these corruption scandals.

The anti - corruption is investigating into some of the family member and both the local and off shore accounts which hold large amounts of money.

Kenya has corruption as one of its major problems and the last thing Kenyans would do is to elect a President who has open corruption scandals on his back.

Right now we need change for the economy to rise again and prevent inflation, unemployment and labour unrest.