As the year 2017 progresses, you can be sure the words democracy and constitution will be really trending. This is because these two words are the cornerstone of governance and what better time to blast them out than in any election year.

 Democracy and constitution are not however limited to the political arena or the running of a Country. The same principles always silently apply to the governance of sports federations and bodies.

Sports federations have the functions of promotion, administration and management of sporting activity and events.

Today in Kenya and most part of the world, sports is not just a pass time, they are professionalized and attract billions of dollars hence the need for a proper management and promotion.

 They do not just apply to the federations or the international bodies but even small clubs and teams are always rolled up to the ideals of democracy.

Small things such as choosing a team captain often brew controversy if they are not done by applying a constitution or within the confines of democracy.

Insight into sports in Kenya will perhaps affirm that elections of FKF, Athletics Kenya to clubs such as Gor Mahia and AFC Leopards have always brought in a lot of interests and sometimes a lot of controversies.

 This week Sports-legal will delve into democracy and constitutions in sport.