More than 100 parents yesterday stormed Sergutiet Primary School in Bomet Central and evicted the head teacher over poor performance in exams.

There was drama at the school for the better part of Thursday morning after the angry parents, wielding placards and twigs, forced their way into the head teacher's office and ejected him.

The parents locked the office, saying they do not trust him to continue running the school because of poor results posted in last year's Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) results.

Pleas by the head teacher to explain himself over the poor performance posted under his watch fell on deaf ears.

Led by Samuel Korir, the parents alleged the school's performance had continued to deteriorate since the head was posted to the school one year ago.


Korir said they were afraid his continued stay would run down the school academically and want the ministry to intervene and ensure he was transferred.

"We need a new head as the one we have does not have the capacity to assure our pupils a better tomorrow," said the parent.

Some parents claimed the head teacher was using corporal punishment despite being outlawed by the Government.

"We are shocked that our pupils are being punished harshly while the Government has banned corporal punishment and worse is the use of abusive language against pupils," added another parent.

They vowed to pitch tent at the school and ensure the head teacher does not set foot in the compound.

However, the head teacher Onesmus Chirchir has denied the accusation, saying he would not accept to carry the blame yet he has only been at the school for one year.

Speaking after being evicted from his office, Mr Chirchir said he would not mind leaving the school but would not want to be forcefully transferred.