Busia county gubernatorial race is turning out to be one of the most competitive in the upcoming elections. The race has attracted many prospective candidates including once ODM rebel vice chairman Dr. Paul Otuoma, who has publicly declared to give the current Governor Sospeter Ojaamong a run for his money for the seat. Others include Eng. Dan Barasa who is favoured by the jubilee party to vie for the seat in the region, Eng. Vincent Sidai who was Ojaamong's main rival last elections is also rumoured to be in the race though his party of choice is still unknown after his former party UDF was dissolved.

The incumbent Sospeter Ojaamong is highly favoured to win back his seat and complete his two terms in office. Ojaamong will battle it out with Dr. Paul Otuoma for ODM nominations and given that he enjoys a good relationship with most Luo and Teso voters in the region its most likely that he is going to beat his opponent. Most voters in the region still view Otuoma as a rebel and a let down to the party which is affiliated to the CORD leader Raila Odinga and whom they have always voted for. Ojaamong is seen as a loyalist to the party and will have an easy time against his opponent Dr. Paul Otuoma.

The county has experience tremendous growth since Ojaamong ascended to the governor's office .As governor, Ojaamong became the first governor to partner with HELB to provide education loans to needy and bright students. This was facilitated after over ksh 100,000,000 was availed to the students loans body by the county government for disburse. Several investors have been attracted to the county and this is witnessed by the construction of several factories including a juice factory in Malaba town, a cassava processing plant in Simba Chai market and revival of sugar factories in Busibwabo and Nambale areas. Water projects are widespread through the county and the soon to be launched upgrading of Busia and Malaba towns roads is key to Ojaamong's re-election next year.