The entry of Peter Kenneth in the crowded Nairobi gubernatorial race is raising jitters in Jubilee Party as he is widely perceived by a faction allied to William Ruto as an outsider who could interfere with the establishment. His presence is also being seen as a scheme by Mount Kenya mafia to ensure the Deputy President‘s presidential dream come 2022 tumbles.

The move is no surprise according to political analysts who have for long cast aspersion on the viability of the Jubilee government dream beyond the 2017 elections. The UhuRuto coalition was born out of the desperate attempt to ensure their cases before the International Criminal Court collapse. Since they have successfully scuttled the ICC bid to have them behind the bars, it can as well be assumed that their mission is over and any political attachment beyond 2017 is not guaranteed.

So with due respect to the DP, I believe it was utterly naïve for him to assume that 2022 ticket would be handed to him on a silver platter while the Gema stood by clapping and cheering on. Ruto has only one chance that would ensure his political future remains sanguine and that is to vie for presidency in 2017 so that in case he loses he can forge alliance with losers of the 2017 to be a force to reckon with come 2022 elections. Failure to do so, Ruto will be like the proverbial ostrich that hides its head in the sand thinking the political re-alignments being witnessed will not hinder his presidential ambitions.