Wiper party leader and CORD co-principle, Kalonzo Musyoka's sentiments that Kamba vote will decide ahead of August 2017 general elections is a sign of mature democracy.

Funny enough his sentiments were witnessed by President Uhuru Kenyatta who had graced Mashujaa day celebrations at Jomo Kenyatta stadium in Machakos County.

We have been treated to old fashion politics of politicians attacking their arch rivals on separate political podiums but on Wednesday he was bold enough to tell off the sitting president.

It is important to note that a section of leaders in Machakos County championed by Governor Alfred Mutua in favor of Jubilee administration.

This then hints to me that in next year's polls it will be a battle of titans between Musyoka and those who have defected. It is not also lost on me that CORD collation enjoyed massive support, but with these defections, will CORD still enjoy landslide victory?

Former lands Cabinet Secretary Charity Ngilu is currently warming up for the opposition, a political divide that Kalonzo Musyoka is jostling his political foray. Will the two political technocrats work in unison and cease from supremacy battles that had been witnessed preciously?