Dear MR president H.E Uhuru Kenyatta and former Prime Minister Raila Odinga. First of all on behalf of all Kenyan youths I would like to thank you for the far the two of you have taken this country, I am a 26 year old Kenyan youth who believes that it is high time for the Kenyan youth to be given a slot in the independent electoral and boundaries commission. It is a known fact that we form the largest voting bloc in this country and in any election it is we, the youth that make the biggest decision with regards to the leaders we elect.

I do not have twenty years’ experience in the public service, with me I only have six years’ experience all of which I have served as a junior officer in the public service. However, with me I carry the ability to learn and the motivation and the passion to serve our country and the youths at large. If given this opportunity, I will give my best and will focus on ensuring that the youths of this country are well represented at this very sensitive office.

It is evident that the government is doing a lot to better the lives of the youth. Everybody can note how the government through its access to government procurement opportunities (AGPO) where every government ministry is required by law to set aside 30% of its procurement opportunities for the youth, women and persons with disabilities. This is a move aimed at ensuring the youths are given an avenue to competitively bid for government tenders.

It is with this government’s commitment to place the Kenyan youths at the helm of leadership that I intend to ride on to get that I.E.B.C slot. I also encourage fellow youths to have a stab at the positions without any fear or remorse. Thank you MR President and former P.M for taking your time to put this into consideration