2016 is a year of Kenya’s manifestation of her prowess! World’s business elites, moguls and magnates have been streaming in Kenya in the recent past to the extent that when in Kenya, these World billionaires are walking in our CBD unnoticed! What a blessing! Billionaire Bill Gates is set to visit the Kenya later this week for a major International Agricultural forum. In his maiden visit, Gates (entrepreneur and founder of Microsoft Company) will be accompanied by other billionaires among them David Rockefeller, a world philanthropist entrepreneur.

The visits by the two among many other billionaires come just a week after the country hosted the sixth TICAD conference at KICC. Last week, Kenya also hosted Facebook founder and internet entrepreneur Mark Zuckerberg who visited the country to learn about the money mobile transfer.

One therefore would ask? Why are these people coming to Kenya at a time like this? The answer is simple: Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta has made it happen. His international tours that were highly criticized must be commended now! He has shown-cased Kenya as the world business destiny. Indeed, Kenya is now the real pride of Africa.

Also, this week, Kenya will host the Largest African’s Green Revolution forum conference. The 2016 AGRF brings together heads of state and government, farmer organizations, business leaders and captains of industry, eminent thought leaders, development partners, researchers, and finance & investment leads. This conference brings together Africa and World agriculture stakeholders to discuss further how to advance policies and secure investments in the continent.

Indeed, this is a vote of confidence to President Uhuru’s administration. All these happenings must be clear indications of how successful Uhuru has become in his leadership as a president of the republic of Kenya. Kudos Mr. President


Dr. Njenga Solomon Ph.D

Dean – School of Governance, Peace and Security

Africa Nazarene University