As political temperatures continue to rise in the country, politicians must know that, as Kenyans, we’re sick and tired of politics that lack proper ideologies. In the recent past, we have all witnessed politicians practicing cheap politics that only thrives on verbal attacks and careless remarks. 

Most of our political leaders seem to have bought the idea that the way to make their candles shine brighter is by blowing out their opponents’ candles. With this poor mindset, these politicians focus on constantly undoing what their opponents are doing and never really focus on what they ought to be doing. Instead of telling us what they will do for this country once elected, they’re always focused on what the other party is not doing or doing wrong.    

What we desperately want to hear is not politics of attacks but politics driven by proper ideologies. As a leader, don’t try to rise higher by putting other people down. Tell us what you’ll offer for this country. We want practical solutions for the problems facing us as citizens.

When you as a leader lack proper ideology, you destroy the very nation we’re toiling day and night to build.

It is heartbreaking to hear a leader make careless remarks like, “We have had presidents from this and this tribe long enough, let’s try a president from this other tribe.” Any leader who makes such remarks, no matter how prominent he or she is, doesn’t have the best interests of this country at heart. Such a leader is feeding the very vice –tribalism—that we are trying to slain and he/she is not fit for any public office.

We need leaders who will put the interests of this country first rather than their tribe, or any other tribe for that matter.

Our beloved country if founded on democracy and true democracy is practiced when everyone who qualifies to vie is free to climb the political ladder where voters pick the best climber. Right leaders do not focus on undoing what their opponents are doing, they provide solutions. Right leaders do not focus on blowing out their opponents’ candles, they work on their candles.