Any developing country boasting itself of infrastructural developments, roads has a major share of the accolades. Unfortunately, a country like Kenya still lags behind in terms of road networks expansion and it needs to wake up especially in the aftermath of the high profile visit by world leaders. For us to compete economically we have to develop our infrastructure, expand our road networks so that the citizens can go on with their business oblivious of who is in the country.

The high profile visit by the prime minister of Israel brought Nairobi to a standstill; heavy traffic was the order day all over the city. The same trend happened with the previous visit by other world leaders.

This welcomed visits are good for our economy and international relations but as a country are we ready to cushion the boom that comes with economic growth which is likely to happen with more investors eyeing our country? Guess not. The county Government has been a blessing to many but also a curse at the same time. With the billions of money allocated going into the pockets rather than development, the senate should set development agenda's for counties to ensure that the money is utilized properly. For now we have to brace ourselves and cope with this traffic madness especially in the coming weeks as the Prime minister of India is expected and later a United Nation Conference.