Drugs are gross. They make you act careless, they turn your eyes red and they result in low standards.
No one ever respects people who use drugs. But there’s something in campus that makes partaking of drugs seem cool, glorifying it to preposterous levels. Goody-two shoes ‘freshers’ are literally queuing to get their first puff, or snort or God forbid, injection!
Campus students who are presupposed holders of the land’s greatest minds are in fact home to scoundrels, heretics and dare devil slacks who wouldn’t hesitate to sacrifice their moral values to engage in debauchery and indulge in hedonism.
Police spokesperson Charles Owino’s allegations that the unrest in campuses is directly related to drug abuse is entirely truthful. We’ve been there we can attest to that. Whenever there was a students’ course that needed championing, read (any kind of unruly behavior from bickering, to shouting, stripping and pelting stones), there was always an ‘outside force’ involved.
Whenever student aspirants vying for various seats needed a bunch of supporters to drown their opponents’ cheers, they always had to get them inebriated first with cheap liqour or bhang or some other high inducing substances.
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Drugs and alcohol have been playing a pivotal role in students’ affairs. Why? Because sober students are docile, and won’t cause a ruckus if their life depended on it. I got my first shocker as freshman when I saw comrades totally embracing drugs and its chain reactions.
The more blunts you smoked, or the more tequila shots you downed, the more respected you were. Blacking out was a thrill everybody was seeking. When you hear an alumnus claiming that college were the best days of their lives and that they miss the good old days then it means that they ‘chewed’ on the kitchen utilities’ sink or woke up the next morning on the female hostels’ flowerbed.
So why is drug abuse in our colleges condoned and even, so welcome. Any other regular junkie out there on the street is considered a nuisance with their constant soliciting attitude to get their daily fix.
A student on the other hand can afford the comfort of a subsidized lifestyle, courtesy of their oblivious parents and the government in form of the infamous HELB loans. They also have a guaranteed regular supply of income. In short, he can afford to get high today without worrying how he’ll get high the next day. So all his intoxicated mindset is more properly channeled towards other stuff like vandalism and deflowering ‘freshers’.
With too much money at stake, comrades are bound to have a party. They are definitely going to squander it all in clubs and crack houses, and take the rest home to put up a house party. These loans are remitted directly to their personal accounts. And frankly speaking even for anyone else, when you handle money to use for your own or someone else’s benefit, it is an invitation to spend it. And these young people with little responsibilities clearly do not know how to put the monies in good use.