Mr. President, did you know that peace index is at its worst in your country since introduction of multiparty democracy in Kenya? Apparently, this truth has been brought to fore by none other than NCIC Chairman Francis Ole Kaparo and if his recent confession is true, that Kenya is currently divided at its worst, then, National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) must be disbanded! Reason –It has failed miserably in its core business!

To compound my call for its disbandment, NCIC commissioners were recently booed, heckled and chased off by Kenyans in their recent visit to Songhor along Kisumu- Nandi border where clashes have erupted. One would expect the said commissioners to be embraced but, Kaparo and his team were chased away by the locals and their leaders who said they had no confidence in his Commission! This is so unfortunate and hence, the disbandment.

Worst still, NCIC itself has become a crying baby! Commissioners keep crying not only about their small budget allocation but also their incompetence in prosecuting hate speech! They even have the audacity of telling Kenyans that NCIC Act is in itself insufficient!  This is shameful! They should be showing Kenyans the amendments passed in parliament to better the Act instead of crying over it! Someone tell NCIC that Kenyans are watching! Mr. President, please consider disbanding NCIC and with immediate effect! It’s an obsolete commission!



Dr. Njenga, Solomon Ph.D

Dean - School of Governance, Peace and Security

Africa Nazarene University, Kenya

DISCLAIMER: These are my own views and NOT of the Institution I work for