For a good number of years, politics in Kenya has been anchored on individuals’ ethnic orientations. Perhaps this is a confirmation and affirmation that the ideals of patriotism and nationhood strongly championed for during the independence period have been hijacked by the ethnic barons.

One socio-cultural aspect that we need to appreciate as a state is the ethnic diversity that prevails. We have perennially failed to embrace this opportunity and instead chosen to follow a dangerous path that can only be defined and described in terms of negative ethnicity.

Negative ethnicity has always plunged this country into chaos or to near-chaotic instances. To elaborate this, I will outline a few examples of such happenstances occasioned by politics based on negative ethnicity.

Way back in 1992, several parts of the country experienced tribal clashes majorly due to incitement by some politicians. In 1997, the situation wasn’t so much different albeit other parts of the country experiencing tranquility. In 2002, such instances subsided majorly due to the political wave that sought to sweep KANU out of power. In 2007/08 the situation was perhaps the worst ever in post-independence Kenya up to this time.

In 2013 the situation was calm thanks to the ICC cases which were on-going at that time. But it seems we never learn lessons if the current happenings in the country are to go by especially as we head towards the General Election. Politicians are retreating to their ethnic bastions and informing some of the ignorant citizens on how individuals from certain communities are perceived political enemies.

One thing that amazes me is the unity that is usually portrayed by Kenyans during catastrophic times or during events that our national teams are participating in. In such moments you will see all manner of hash tags on how we are one as Kenyans but the tune changes when it comes to politics. This is pretense and hypocrisy of the highest degree and measure. We seem to be master executors of the antics of the proverbial ostrich that hides its head in the sand in the wake of impending danger.

Why do some Kenyans allow politicians to endanger the independence of their minds? In any case, methinks that the greatest threat to the existence of humanity is the lack of the independence of the mind. Being influenced by politicians to entertain skewed thoughts of ethnic-based politics denotes the lack of the independence of the mind.

Worst of it all, the cohort which seems to be greatly affected with this disease is that which comprises of the young people. All over social media you will see how most young individuals are propagating such brand of politics. It is unfortunate that majority of such young people have had the opportunity to attend educational institutions. May be such misled minds are what Bob Marley referred to as educated fools; educated but unable to think in the socially desired way. This is utterly cataclysmic.

It is because of ethnic-based politics that we hardly prosper economically as a country. Tribalism promotes the “our time to eat” philosophy which enhances avarice. Similarly, it also entrenches the common Kenyan cultural disposition which I would refer to as the ‘mtu wetu’ syndrome. This has been witnessed in cases whereby members from a given ethnic community defend a corrupt person who belongs to the same tribe in the name of being targeted by perceived enemies.

We need to distance ourselves from such shenanigans of negative ethnicity and chart a new path of issue-based politics. It is possible fellow Kenyans. Let us not supplant our gains as a state with tribalism. It is a path we’ve traveled before and it should serve as a fundamental lesson if we seek to prosper.