The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) in 2013 declared you as president elect after one of the most hotly contested electoral processes our country has ever conducted.
And after a legal battle at the Supreme Court challenging your election, the Supreme Court declared you validly elected.
Ever since that day you have turned into a weak president. A president who has no clue what being president is all about.
A president who only whines and complains about everything forgetting that you are the CEO of this country and most importantly the holder of the instruments of power.
Mr. President you have forgotten the oath of office you took bearing allegiance and fidelity to the constitution of Kenya.
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You have allowed tribalism, corruption and immorality to permeate through the entire governance system in Kenya.
You have insulted and attempted to stifle the democratic freedom we fought for, terming those who dare to question your incompetence as saboteurs.
You have allowed and overseen a looting frenzy of unimaginable proportions never seen in our motherland before.
You have created a fertile ground for grand thieving and plunder of our resources without batting an eyelid.
Kenya is one of the most corrupt nations globally. A country whose Chief Justice Willy Mutunga termed a "bandit economy”.
Sentiments which you publicly declared in your visit to Israel that Kenyans are only good at stealing and politicking.
This admission not only in public but an admission done in a foreign country affirms my submission that you are unfit to hold the office of the president of the republic of Kenya,
Mr. President power has not only made you drunk but has dangerously blinded you.
Mr. President Sir, your tenure was ushered in with pomp and colour but only failure has been its byproduct.
Mr President Sir I am sorry to say that you have let me down, you have let our country down and you are therefore unfit for command.