His name alone raises a lot of expectations from the people of Bomet County. They know him through his strong quest for a better life for every Kenyan.

During his tenure as the chairman of governors, he passionately championed for more resources to be injected in to the county governments.

He strongly urged the national government to release some of the vital functions to county governments one of them being the construction of roads.

He knows very well that the construction of roads changes the lives of many people. It brings the ability to access numerous opportunities closer.

Bomet residents are happy with the services that the county government has provided since its formation.

The modern Early Childhood Development (ECD) program has given parents the easiest way to attain their kid's developments.

Development has been taking place within the County and this includes rehabilitation of cattle dips. Irrigation systems have also been boosted by the supply of water tanks to various centres within the county. This will lead to a constant supply of water.  Water cooler systems will also be well spread within the county.

Renovation of the County Referral Hospital as well as constant maintenance of health centres within wards has really saved a lot of lives.

Shortage of medicine is a thing of the past now. Residents are able to undergo kidney dialyses as well as screening of other diseases.

The existence of well-equipped ambulances with a free toll number has immensely saved a lot of people's lives.

Disaster management and response is very quick thanks to the acquisition of machines that fit and suit the Bomet terrain.