The grand corruption at the National Youth Service (NYS) is a syndicate, going by what a seasoned supplier told me.

First, the NYS supplies could not have been paid through Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) because the system has a cap on prices of supplies. This means, for example, that a pen could not have cost that much if procurement was under the automated system.

Second, if these NYS supplies were actually done, then you only need to look at delivery book and LPOs and tender documents to catch the thieves and prosecute them.

Third, the supplies could not have gone through a tender committee because all the price anomalies would have been quickly pointed out and the tender bids dismissed.

Fourth, the tender beneficiary worked at a hair salon and would not have had the wherewithal to do this complicated theft.

My informant concluded by saying that these NYS supplies appear to have been forgeries perpetrated by Treasury mandarins who authorised payments to a forged account and Central Bank of Kenya officials who worked with Treasury scammers to pay.

Scammers are all over stealing from the Government and it goes to very top levels at the Treasury and CBK.