In view of the ongoing misuse of public funds by legislators, including Members of County Assemblies, time has come for citizens to have a say on the use of public resources.

We wake up every day to read and hear about millions of shillings wasted on useless foreign trips, inflated bills, and personal comforts. This is very depressing, especially when most of us live in poor conditions occasioned by lack of funds.

The latest report of such violation came from Nyeri MCAs taking a Sh10 million holiday in Coast at taxpayers’ expense to ‘plot’ how to remove the governor from office.

The time has now come to relook at the recall clause in the Constitution that was mutilated by Members of Parliament to cushion them from being removed from office.

Any elected representative, as per the Kenya Constitution, is at all times accountable to his or her constituents and the nation at large.

The public has the inalienable right to recall any legislator or county representative who ceases to uphold the values and ideals on which they took the office.

If an elected official has breached the trust bestowed upon them by the citizens, there should be a strong mechanism to allow constituents to determine the way forward.