I was recently privileged to sit at the feet of Prof Wotsuna Khamalwa (Sociology and Anthropology) at Makerere University, as he elaborated on the concept of the centre versus the periphery.

Quite an interesting session it was because when he was done, I could not help applying this theory to my faith and my country.

What he explained can be found in world systems theory, propounded by sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein.

The theory is an approach to world history and social change that suggests there is a world economic system in which some countries benefit while others are exploited.

Just like we cannot understand an individual’s behaviour without reference to their surroundings, experiences and culture, a nation’s economic system cannot be understood without reference to the world system.

The countries at the centre are called core countries. They are dominant capitalist countries that exploit peripheral countries for labour and raw materials.

They are strong militarily, and are not dependent on any one state or country. They serve the interests of the economically powerful. They are focused on higher skill and capital-intensive production.

Core countries are powerful, and their power allows them to pay lower prices for raw materials and also exploit cheap labour.

This state of affairs constantly reinforces the unequal status between core and peripheral countries.

Periphery countries fall on the other end of the economic scale. They lack strong central governments and may be controlled by other states.

They export raw materials to the core countries which they are dependent on for capital.

Further, their industries are underdeveloped and they have low-skill, labour-intensive production processes and cheap labour.

They are commonly referred to as third-world countries.

This set me thinking. God Himself set apart the Israelites as His own people and blessed them with wealth and power. When God called Abraham, he promised him an heir and a rich inheritance. Among the many blessings God promised the Israelites is land flowing with milk and honey; to be above, never below; to lend to many nations and never borrow.

Now before you dismiss my line of thought, why not think it through with me?

Jesus Himself said the poor will always be there meaning we will never wave a magic wand for them to disappear.

But why should we allow Kenya to be classified as peripheral country? What is United States of America doing right that we are not doing?

Have you ever thought about the In God We Trust line written on their currency notes and everywhere else?

They must have found a formula with God that works. Methinks we are too engrossed in selfishness, massive acquisition of property and only make technical appearances in church.

Those who tapped into God’s inner wisdom are the ones who are flourishing, no matter the challenges they face.

Why shouldn’t we search the scriptures and start to offload any baggage of corruption, greed and selfish ambition so as to proper?