Having had keen interest in politics and understanding the Kenyan constitution, I candidly understand the roles of the opposition in government. Their main role is to question the government of the day and hold them accountable to the public, which is tantamount to being the watchdogs over the ruling government.

Yes it’s an essential role but I do not concur with the way the current opposition is acting without moderations. CORD has incessantly linked Jubilee government to graft allegations when at the same time the government is working relentlessly to ensure no stone is left unturned in fighting corruption.

Am actually elated by the way Jubilee has waged tough battle against the culprits of corruption. President Kenyatta promised early this year that his government will do its best to fight graft, after a list of suspected governors, cabinet secretaries and MPs linked to graft was handed to EACC for further probing. To this far, I can term the performance exemplary because i have seen the endeavours bear fruits and no longer in futile as CORD is retorting.

Off late, am disgusted by the way the CORD political campaigns have been marred by bickering. Am sorry to utter that they have engaged in decisive politics , which may end up brewing political tension in our country simply because in every open air campaign they are attacking the Jubilee government associating it with innumerable corruption allegations which they were not able to curb while they were in office.

Personally, I was infuriated by the demonstration of rowdy youths in Kibera slums which led to torching of a pristine health centre and a toilet. This followed accusations by former Prime Minister Raila linking devolution and planning cabinet secretary Anne Waiguru to ksh 826m corruption scandal  in National Youth Service (NYS).

The youths took to the streets to protect Waiguru from being thwarted out of government by chanting slogans in favour of her. The youths praised ‘mama’ for improving the deplorable conditions of Kibra slum through NYS operations. It sounds ironical and bitter because Raila was the MP of the same constituency for more than a decade yet he did less to ensure the constituents had better lives.

CORD torch bearers should understand that Rome was not built in a day and corruption allegation scams against Jubilee government will not elevate them into power come 2017. Their unremitting corruption accusation against Jubilee government is sabotaging its efforts to fight corruption in our country.

In addition, their political rhetoric is sorely hampering government’s developmental plans in our beloved nation. I appreciate president’s desire to see every part of the country develop without any political affiliations.

Donating one billion to resurrect Mumias Sugar Company manifested that it is no longer bound by any politicking, instead focused  and dedicated to prosper the country to greater heights in development aspects come 2017. I beseech the opposition to stay calm, operate underground and let Jubilee government fulfill its manifesto to Kenyans.