NAIROBI: As individuals progress from one stage of their career to another, they make several presentations in an effort to sell their skills and competencies. This is either made orally or by use of visual aids such as graphs, pictures and PowerPoint presentation, among others.
Presentations are the tools used by business people, trainers and even interviewees to pitch themselves for great opportunities. While many presenters in the business fields normally take time to hone their presentation skills, majority of job seekers do not bother - either out of ignorance or taking things for granted.
The end result is great professionals with packages that they cannot sell. Remember employers are not just interested in great CVs and certificates, they are also looking for individuals with good people skills who have the ability to sell their ideas.
Individuals who can effectively communicate are likely to grow their careers faster since they are trusted with managerial and leadership responsibilities. They are able to handle leadership and enhance team performance.
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While good presentation is at the centre of any career success, a majority of people give poor presentations. Some of the causes of poor presentations include inadequate preparation. They do not research on the audience and do not even bother to structure their presentation.
No wonder, some interview candidates normally lose their audience as they move back and forth while giving their career history. This makes them look confused and disorganised, resulting in failed interviews. Fear also contributes to poor presentations.
This is especially so if an individual has a history of failing in presentations. This is common when the person does not use failures as lessons. Yet some people suffer from fatigue and stress. They show up for a presentation when they can barely think clearly due insomnia caused by stress.
This calibre of people lacks the mental and physical energy required to be creative and innovative during presentations. For others, it is the body language that betrays them. They forget they have to be calm and relaxed so as to handle the presentation in a friendly atmosphere - a fodder for success. It is not surprising for some presenters to run short of breath and pant as if they had to go for a marathon prior to the presentation.
For effective presentation, one has to learn to enjoy the platform. Be human as no one is perfect. Accept deficiencies but focus on your strong points. Ensure you respond to questions clearly and with relevance, avoiding information overload.
It is also important to ensure audibility. Avoid whispering and also shouting. Handling your voice’s tone is helpful as this is usually a measure of your temperament. Time management is also a great ingredient of effective communication skills. Talking until your audience start checking their watches is not a wise move.
It is good to control idiosyncrasies so that they do not overshadow your pluses and taint you negatively. Remember that knowing your contents, coupled with great people skills, will always give you a competitive edge in your presentations.
-The Writer is a Human Resource Specialist with Peoplelink Consultants Ltd.