Kenya: @Gicaru: Africa is starting to feel like one country; the only bad thing is that the message is coming through violence
@khat_l: The events happening in South Africa are quite unfortunate. Why should Africans kill their fellow brothers and sisters? Sad.
@SueNyathi: The elusive concept of the rainbow nation died with its architect.
@Kenyanpundit: The loud silence by those South Africans who were nurtured in exile is quite telling.
@ItsKwambox: Until they stop these senseless killings, we must boycott South African products. Sanctions should be put in place as well.
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@Ali_Manzu: I believe no African will chase you away anywhere in the motherland. Why chase away fellow black brothers? Go to school and learn how to live with others
@Bifreaky: I believe there are still good people in South Africa and there is no need to curse them all. Not all of them are xenophobic. Some are fighting against it.
@Muka255: I feel sorry for Mandela, the great leader of Africa. I hope he was not the last hero of South Africa.
@Jamesjumba: Most of the migrants went to SA with nothing and made something out of it while some SA citizens do nothing and expect so much.
@SARRADIH: Some of these SA youth seriously need education and proper leadership.