Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero. [Photo: File/Standard]

Nairobi, Kenya: Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero has issued a stern warning to private developers who have grabbed public land.

Kidero said his administration will deal with them appropriately.

Speaking during a visit to Ziwani area, the governor commended the residents for highlighting land issues through their County Assembly Member Millicent Mugadi, who had made several calls and visits to the governors' office to seek his intervention.

He assured residents that all grabbed land will be reclaimed irrespective of the kind of buildings that have been built.

"We will make sure that there would be no more land grabbing incidences in the area," said Kidero.

He promised to erect low cost housing in Ziwani to improve living standards of the locals.

"The whole of Ziwani, which is lying on 45 acres, will now be developed as one piece and the residents will be given first consideration once it is complete," he added.

The governor also announced the withdrawal of the Part development plan (PDP) by the Nairobi County Government.

Kidero said his administration will soon embark on Urban Development Programs meant to promote and accelerate integrated and efficient urban development including revitalisation of the Central Business District, sub –centre development, development of the city railway and urban Renewal in the old county rental estates.