NAIROBI, KENYA: Nairobi Senator Mike Mbuvi Sonko has launched a rescue team to offer various services to Nairobi County residents.

The team which has so far facilitated over 21 weddings across the country provides an entourage comprising of S class Mercedes Benze, land cruiser, Limousine and Hammer to grace wedding  couples’ happiest moment.

Among the services offered by the group include ambulance, hearse, breakdown, wedding transport, water, security and emergency responses services.

“I want to thank you Sonko so much, even though I cannot say I know you closely but am so proud of you,” says a delighted bride, Miriam.

“The services are free and I am so excited, I have never seen anything like this!” exclaims a wedding coordinator

From the happiest moments to the most difficult times of life, Sonko Rescue Team has been a shoulder to over 89 bereaved families; by providing transport in and out of Nairobi County for the remains of their departed loved ones to their place of rest.

“When I found Sonko’s contacts, I sent him a message then he called me and said that he would cater for everything for the burial,” says one of the beneficiaries.

Through the Rescue Team Centre, residents of Nairobi have also benefited greatly from free ambulance services to ferry their loved ones in critical conditions to hospitals within the capital. This services are managed by qualified paramedics constituting four clinical officers and four nurses who offer pre hospital care to patients.

“The nurse we have are trained on Emergency response and we receive calls from Nairobi and even out of Nairobi. We are happy to deliver these services in the most effective way,” says one of the paramedics.

In this City where fire break outs are almost a common phenomenon, the Rescue aid group has a fire management team fire engines including 23 smaller ones which can penetrate through narrow paths to extinguish infernos.

Sonko Rescue team also periodically sets up Medical camps and mobile clinics within Nairobi and its environs that provide free screening services including cervical, breast and prostate cancer.

 In addition the team which has so far put up 13 medical camps in Nairobi also offers free Pharmaceutical services, immunization programs for both children and adults and even food stuff to less fortunate people.

As if this is not enough, the group also acquired four Land rover discoveries to carry out Mashinani Security Patrols within Nairobi county; working closely with the police.

This team has created employment to hundreds of youth who are actively involved in the daily operations of the group including cleaning of the environment, car wash services, salons among others.

This initiative is hailed by many beneficiaries as a way to deter the youth from crime.

Political Analyst, Dr. Adams Aloo terms Senator Mike Sonko as a philanthropist and explains that there Is no law that stops anyone from offering social services.