NAKURU, KENYA: Residents of Nakuru county took their governor Kinuthia Mbugua to task, on issues affecting them at the Sikika Sasa forum hosted by Jeff Koinange at the old town hall in Nakuru.
In a bid to motivate the farmers in the area, the county government supplied a million seedlings of pyrethrum seeking to revive the production of the crop.
According to the farmers, more has to be done. They lack markets and processing plants for their produce. Brokers have dictated the market prices for a while, a situation that has had farmers reap less, of what they sow.
“If at all we can get good markets or processing plants through the county government, we will benefit since most of us will sell our potatoes at a fixed price,’’ says Stanley Waweru- Potato farmer.
A couple of farmers further add that seeds are expensive among other farming requirements, hence having fixed market prices would dilute the losses they incur.
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Water shortage has been a shortcoming to the farmers and the residents as well. They would like to have a balanced distribution of water across the county, to avoid expenses of purchasing water on a daily basis.
“ Nakuru is still a water scarce county despite hosting the biggest water tower in the country,” said Kinuthia Mbugua, Nakuru Governor.
He added that the county government is set to rehabilitate a couple of dams in the county including: Itare Dam in Kuresoi North and Chemususu dam that will supply water to various parts of the county.
With farmers toiling hard in the informal sector, unemployment in Nakuru continues to bite according to the residents.
Speaking at Sikika Sasa show, Hon Irene Njeri Paul a Nominated M.C.A, noted that unemployment is one of the major problems that need to be addressed in the county.
“We are trying to advocate for self employment as formal jobs are now a challenge to the wage bill. We are encouraging women to join the informal sector like agriculture that pays well.’’ She further added.