Nairobi; Kenya: Kenya Accountants and Secretaries National Examinations Board (Kasneb) has moved to allay fears associated with the ongoing major syllabus review. The process is expected to be completed in June next year with revised syllabuses being examined with effect from November.

Fearing the changes that will be introduced by the review, a number of students have suspended their studies in order to await the syllabuses review. “This should not be the case,” said Kasneb Chief Executive Pius Nduatih on Friday during the awarding of top candidates in the board’s November/December 2013 professional and technician examinations.

Mr Nduatih assured that the review is a normal process to take into account recent and ongoing dynamics in the market in order for graduates to remain relevant and competitive in the global sphere.

“Students should therefore continue with their studies and sit the examinations under the current syllabuses, until the time when I communicate officially on the implementation of the new syllabuses,” he added.

He explained that the evaluation started earlier this year would help the institution to continue playing a leading role in the professional arena.

“The syllabuses’ review is aimed at addressing the changing needs of the market and emerging issues of globalisation and other national aspirations as envisioned in the Kenya Vision 2030,” he said.

Review process

The review process has involved the participation of key stakeholders including students, trainers, professional bodies, parents/guardians, employers, the government and practitioners. Benchmarking visits to other global examination bodies of repute were also undertaken as part of the review process. “I wish to urge all stakeholders to continue participating actively in the process by, among other ways, providing the necessary feedback on improvement in the syllabuses when called upon by Kasneb,” said Rose Mambo, the Central Depository and Settlement Corporation CEO, who was the chief guest.

The review is being undertaken at a time when the number of students pursuing Kasneb qualifications in and outside Kenya is increasing. Additional examination centres have been opened not only within the East Africa region, but also in other countries.