Migori, Kenya: Fish production in Migori has tripled over the last one year as effects of the Economic Stimulus Programme (ESP) begin to be felt countywide.

Over the same period, fish production has increased from 2,000kg in 2012 to 6,000kg last year following increased fish farming across all the eight constituencies.

Speaking in Migori town yesterday, fisheries official Peter Mutua said the increase could be attributed to the many fish ponds constructed in every constituency through the ESP.

“We are glad that finally we are seeing ESP benefiting the county. We are positive the production will continue improving and that residents will greatly benefit from it,” he said.

Mr Mutua said the programme had involved construction of ponds, stocking and supplying fish food to farmers in every constituency.

The move, he noted, attracted a number of Migori residents to embrace fish farming as a potential income generating activity in the area.

He further hailed the programme, saying it had led to improved fish farming, which in turn had created direct and indirect employment and boosted food security.

He said the fish pond project had drastically reduced poverty levels and that about 3,000 farmers had already gained from the initiative.

This, he said, had also eased pressure on Lake Victoria, which had been the main source of fish before the programme was launched a few years back.

However, Mutua decried the high siltation in Lake Victoria, which he explained had led to diminishing fish production.

He further said that this was a detriment to the general income of the local population.

He said siltation had destroyed fish habitats, and that coupled with uncontrolled fishing, this had resulted to depletion of fish stocks in the fresh water lake known for various fish species such as the famous tilapia.