Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero and his Siaya counterpart Cornel Rasnga at the burial of former Homa Bay MP Oluoch Kanindo at Awendo Green Stadium Friday. [PHOTO: TITUS MUNALA/STANDARD]

MIGORI COUNTY: Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD) started its nationwide rallies in Migori Friday, where top leaders declared their resolve to push Jubilee into talks on matters pressing the country.

CORD leadership led by co-principals Raila Odinga and Moses Wetangula said Uhuru Kenyatta’s government has failed in its constitutional mandate. They said they would rally Kenyans ahead of the planned Saba Saba rally on July 7 in Nairobi, despite calls that the rally should not be allowed to go on.

“The country is experiencing insecurity, corruption, tribalism, threats to derail devolution and an incompetent electoral body and needs a national dialogue that will bring together all political leaders, the church, the civil society and wananchi in general to come together and find lasting solutions,” Odinga said.

Odinga led the crowd in demanding for action on Migingo Island. “What government does not care about its boundaries? The Jubilee Government has let Uganda take Migingo and has allowed illegal trade to thrive along the Kenya - Tanzania border. It means Jubilee has failed,” Odinga said.


The leaders denied allegations that they wanted to use the back door to grab power from a duly elected government.

“We want to liberate this country and power does not belong to the President, Jubilee or CORD. That is why we are saying that power is exercised by the people of Kenya and if they wish to change leadership, the constitution guarantees them. We will lead them in achieving their ambitions,” Wetangula said.

He expressed dissatisfaction with the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) terming it an agent of the Jubilee Government.

“CORD will not accept a biased referee in the name of IEBC. No game where the referee is the 12th player is a supporter of the other team,” the Bungoma Senator said.

They also threatened to institute impeachment processes against Governors Kinuthia Mbugua (Nakuru) and Philip Mandago (Uasin Gishu) who have reportedly said they will not allow them conduct public rallies in their counties.

“It seems the governors have not read and appreciated the new Constitution and they are flouting it. That is enough ground for their impeachment,” Wetangula said.

He added, “The constitution guarantees free movement and association by the people. No one has authority to stop someone from holding a public rally.”

They said the national dialogue is a must and CORD will press the Jubilee Government until they agree for the talks. He added power belongs to the people of Kenya and they will not sit and watch the country go to the dogs.

Siaya Senator James Orengo wondered why President Uhuru Kenyatta was willing at first to have a national dialogue then changed his mind abruptly.

The Homabay Senator Otieno Kajwang urged president Uhuru to forget about his Deputy William Ruto and accept dialogue.

“Kenyatta was ready for dialogue but changed his mind when he realised that Ruto was not ready. I am calling on him to come and talk to us because the country is bigger than one person,” Kajwang said.


“It is logical that in times of crises, people should forgive one another and forge for a common good. That is why we had differences with Jubilee but we have realized that we should come together for the good of the nation,” added the Homabay Senator.

Migori Senator Dr Wilfred Machage who was hosting them said the problems facing the country can only be solved by holding a national dialogue forum.

Machakos Senator Johnston Muthama faulted the Jubilee Government for reneging on its campaign promises.

“CORD team will lead all Kenyans to liberate their country. Jubilee promised to create employment but it has brought in the Chinese who are now doing simple jobs like driving instead of Kenyans. The Chinese are also behind the death of our elephants and rhinos for illegal business of their tusks,” Muthama said.

He added, “We in CORD are not third-rate citizens but we are just like all other Kenyans from any other part of the country. We should not be discriminated upon.”

Kakamega Senator Bonny Khalwale also insisted that for the unity of the country, Jubilee leadership should listen to the opposition.


He blamed the Jubilee Government for promoting tribalism by hiring people from only two tribes.

The rally which attracted a mammoth crowd that fully packed the Migori stadium was also graced by more than 20 MPs allied to the coalition.

Suna East MP Junet Mohamed who hosted the rally said people were ready for the planned Saba Saba rally in Nairobi.