By Lawrence Aluru

Siaya, Kenya: Members of Siaya County Assembly (MCAs) are now demanding to be assigned security days after three suspects were arraigned in court for trying to assassinate the deputy speaker.

Three days ago, police in Ugenya sub-county arrested three suspects alleged to have planned to kill Siaya Deputy Speaker Stephen Kadera.

Led by Speaker George Okode, Ombewa Gare (Chief Whip) and Sylvester Madialo (Chairman, Appointment Committee) expressed concern for their safety, adding that their security should be bolstered.

Revenge attacks

They claimed that the alleged plot to kill the deputy speaker was a pointer to the fact that they were not safe and called on the Government to urgently intervene in the matter.

Okode claimed decisions made by the MCAs in the assembly such as impeaching governors and other county officials may further predispose them to attacks.

“MCAs are among people whose safety is at a risk as unknown people are already trailing some of them,” he said.