Nairobi, Kenya: An official investigation has been launched to probe how police have carried out the on-going security operations countrywide.

The Independent Police Oversight Commission has dispatched investigators to the Kasarani Stadium where thousands of people have been detained for allegations of being in Kenya illegally.

IPOA investigators are also monitoring several police stations where alleged immigrants are being held including  Gigiri and the Jomo Kenya International Airport detention centres, where some detainees are marked for deportation.

IPOA Chairperson Macharia  Njeru revealed Tuesday that investigations are focused  around alleged profiling of members of certain ethnic groups, as well as unlawful detention and deportations of persons. 

''Where at the end of its investigations IPOA finds instances of ethnic profiling, it will not hesitate to make recommendations including where necessary, disciplinary action against individual members of the National Police Service,'' he said Tuesday in a statement.

The IPOA boss called on Inspector General of Police David Kimaiyo to take urgent measures to ensure that violations of the constitution do not occur during the ongoing security operation.

''Despite increased wave of crime, including various acts of terrorism, IPOA is of the firm view that the only way to deal with suspected perpetrators, is through the rule of law and more so by ensuring all security operations meet the Constitutional threshold of respect for human rights,'' he said.

He added: ''The use of racial, ethnic, national or religious characteristics as a basis for making decisions on those suspected to have committed crimes may amount to such discrimination, and thus any security operation targeted at a particular ethnic group would fail to comply with constitutional and human rights standards'',.

Kimaiyo has previously defended his officers against accusations of profiling, abuse and extortion during the operation, which he says is meant to secure the country from high incidences of insecurity.