Nominated Senator Agnes Zani. [PHOTO: STANDARD/FILE]


MIGORI: Nominated Senator Agnes Zani has now changed her campaign tactic following criticism from a section of leaders in Nyanza.

Zani, who is eyeing the Orange Democratic Movement’s secretary general position, met 56 delegates drawn from eight constituencies in Migori County on Sunday.

The meeting dealt a blow to her rival Ababu Namwamba, who has shown interest in the same seat, as the Budalang’i MP lost support barely a week after the delegates had thrown their weight behind him.

Calling on Migori officials to vote for her, Zani said ODM’s strategy of strengthening the party’s leadership through fair gender and regional balancing was a winning formula ahead of the next General Election.

The nominated senator warned that without regional balance, the party would have challenges in securing votes in 2017.

“We have confidence that we will win the next General Election in 2017 and that is why we want our party to have a national face,” she said.

She promised to tackle ODM nominations at the party level, saying she would ensure there was fairness for all aspirants.

The senator said she would work with all elected leaders to ensure that the party is united ahead of the 2017 polls.

She said this at a delegates’ meeting in Migori County even as a group of ODM Young Turks lashed out at her in the neighbouring Homa Bay County.

Migori delegates unanimously agreed to vote for her in the party elections that will be held on February 28 and March 1.

She was accompanied by Kisumu Deputy Governor Ruth Odinga and Migori County Woman Representative Denitah Ghati.

Ms Odinga said there was need to elect more women to top leadership positions in the party for the sake of gender balance.

And Ms Ghati said there was need to ensure the party had a national face that would guard against any impression that top leaders came from particular communities.

“We have resolved that we will support Zani’s bid during the polls,” ODM County Secretary Joseph Olala said, adding that the decision had been reached after listening to the candidate’s plans for the party.

The delegates resolved to vote in Paul Otwoma for the post of chairman in what they said was a move to distribute the seats to reflect national representation.

Olala also said the county had not closed its doors to other aspirants seeking to campaign in the region.

He said Zani had proved to the delegates that she understood well how the party works and its challenges, adding that she clearly outlined how she had planned to tackle the problems.

 “We are convinced that there is need for the party to change a number of things about its operations,” he said, adding that the county delegates were convinced that the senator was the best person to bring about those changes.