Veteran politician Harun Lempaka is still pressing to be declared the winner of the Narok East parliamentary seat. Lempaka has urged the Court of Appeal to order a recount of the votes cast in the 69 polling stations in the constituency in last year’s general election.

The Jubilee candidate is challenging the victory of Lemanken Aramat. He filed the appeal after a petition he had lodged at the High Court was dismissed for lack of evidence.

Lempaka is seeking only one order; to have the votes recounted. He lost by a margin of 441 votes. He accepts that the rest of the election was free and fair except the counting and the tallying of votes.

The Elections Act allows the High Court to order IEBC to issue a certificate of election to a candidate if, after a recount, it is established that s/he won and had not committed any electoral offences.