By Ben Arum

Kenya: Last week we discussed how deliberate assault, fateful incompetence and possible pragmatism within the ICC, led to the near-collapse of the criminal case against Uhuru Kenyatta.

If withdrawn, four out of the initially suspected six would have been released before full trial. This is a very high figure.

People may wonder whether the cases against William Ruto and Joshua Sang can still proceed reasonably. The message out there has two heads.

 The objective lot suspects the investigation done by Luis Moreno Ocampo was incompetent.

The victims and those baying for some blood are convinced the locus of justice is still beyond the view of the common man.

Suspects and victims aside, the meat for gossip and hypothesis about the future of politics in Kenya is the fate of William Ruto. People are not asking whether Ruto stands a chance to be released from the case. What is heavy in the air is almost grotesque.

Some people are laughing and the embers being stoked by MP Alfred Keter suggest the fire will soon come out of the window.

When it was useful, William Ruto and Uhuru Kenyatta convinced themselves and their tribes that it was Raila Odinga who took them to The Hague.

Fate may decide that William Ruto will fall back to Raila’s backyard and tell them it has always been Uhuru Kenyatta who took people to The Hague.

The yard will most likely agree. Just recently I attended a fundraising in Awendo Constituency, Migori County where Ruto conducted a harambee for Ranen SDA Church. There was excitement and Ruto’s prodigality ended and return home welcomed.

What is left is to confirm that Uhuru left him at The Hague! Of course it will be a lie; but the kind of lie that made Raila Odinga traverse half the country to say it was not true but failed to convince anyone.

Gullibility is not a noose around only the ignorant; even the very educated and knowledgeable will be asking: if there is no evidence against Uhuru Kenyatta, why should there be evidence against William Ruto?

If there is no evidence against anybody from other tribes, why should there be some against two Kalenjins; William Ruto and Joshua Sang? These questions will make 2014 a political year.

Old friends will regroup, current bonds will break and if Uhuru Kenyatta is fully released and Ruto’s case proceeds, William Samoei Ruto will be the fulcrum movements of many politicians. With Uhuru’s freedom and Ruto’s continuing case at The Hague, some will have convictions to expect and others will be completely disappointed at the turn of justice.

Unfortunately, these two groups remain loyal to the two men under special terms and conditions.

 The terms and conditions are especially important to Ruto.