MIGORI,KENYA: Farmers in Migori County are now threatening to initiate a recall of all elected leaders in the county who are not delivering on the promises.

Speaking in Migori town, the farmers, drawn from several unions said they had already prepared a report on how the leaders had fared since being elected into office before taking action.

“We believe we are the people who have to check the elected leaders,” Ezra Olodi, the national chairman of the Kenya National Sugarcane Farmers Union, who spoke on behalf of the farmers, said.

He said with the economy of the county mainly reliant on agriculture, it was important elected leaders in the county put it as a priority to see that the sector was thriving.

At the same time, the farmers regretted that majority of the elected leaders in the county still meddle in petty politics a time when the public require economic development and implementation of policies that will spur growth in Agriculture to ensure food security in the country.