NAIROBI, KENYA: Amnesty International (Kenya) country director Justus Nyang’aya was Tuesday night shot and seriously wounded by suspected thugs in a robbery in his Ongata Rongai home. 

Mr Nyang’aya is admitted at the Karen hospital’s with gunshot wounds in the chest and leg following the 10.00 pm gun attack. 

Police say Nyang’aya was shot two times including in the chest and leg but he is stable in hospital and no arrest has been made so far. 

According to Nairobi County police boss Benson Kibue, a gang of about six men raided his  Acacia estate home in Ole Kesos area and robbed him of cash and other valuables before shooting him and later escaped.  

“We understand they robbed him few electronics and cash before they shot him and escaped. We are pursuing the gang with an aim of getting the motive and ensuring justice,” said Kibue. 

It was after the shooting that the family rushed him to hospital where he is admitted. 

Neighbours said Nyang’aya had walked to a neigbour’s house and was returning to his house when the gang struck. 

They forced their way in prompting a struggle. It was then that they shot him in the chest and leg and the bullets exited without damaging vital organs, officials said. 

And after the shooting, they went ahead and demanded valuables. Police arrived there minutes later but after the gang had escaped. 

The neighbours said it is the second time that Nyang’aya is being attacked at his home after another one in which he lost his valuables including an ipad.

Kibue said they have launched a manhunt on the gang. 

Nyang’aya has been in the forefront fighting impunity and the last event he attended was on Monday in which he awarded lawyers who offer probono services in Nairobi.  

The inaugural award was mooted by the Law Society of Kenya and AI to encourage more lawyers to take up pro bono legal services. 

He has also opposed forceful evictions of people and planned mass repatriation of refugees to Somalia. 

Elsewhere, a suspected mugger was Wednesday morning shot dead along Kirinyaga Road in Nairobi and stolen property found on him. 

Police say the man was in the company of his accomplices and had been attacking and robbing pedestrians at the junction of Kilome and Kirinyaga Road when officers from anti-mugging squad were alerted.  

The other men managed to escape on foot. Cases of armed robberies are on the rise in the city with police struggling to contain them.