By Habel Njoroge

Kenya: A long time ago, Hyena and Hare were great friends. They lived close and helped each other, as friends ought to. One day, Hare paid Hyena a social visit.

During the visit, the pair had a jolly good time trading stories until the sun tucked in and the moon took over. Soon, it was time to go to bed, but before Hare left for her house, she invited the hyena for a meal of honey.

Hyena was beside himself as he gulped down the delicious meal and kept on asking for more. Hare, afraid that the hyena would finish up his store of honey, came up with a plan to teach his greedy friend a lesson.

Cunningly, Hare convinced Hyena that there was no need of asking for more honey. All he needed to do was to have the small opening at his back sealed and the sweetness would forever remain in him. To this proposal Hyena readily agreed.

Days went by and Hyena’s stomach started swelling until it was ready to burst. Afraid that he would lose his life, Hyena sought help from Crow.

Crow was ready to help and pecked at the sealed covering Hyena’s exit. Alas! An avalanche of foul smelling food waste drained from the hyena’s stomach and covered the crow.

It soon rained heavily and Crow was able to free himself from the filth that covered her. Sadly, word got out about what had happened and she became the laughing stock of the Savannah. Embarrassed and humiliated, Crow swore revenge.

After days of thought, she found a way of getting back at Hyena. She invited the entire Hyena clan to join her in a very important journey to visit her relatives who lived high up in the clouds. The hyenas readily jumped at the invitation, especially when they heard that there was a very sumptuous meal that had been prepared.

The important day arrived and all the hyenas gathered very early at the place of departure. Crow asked Hyena to hold on to her feathers as the other hyenas held on the next hyena’s tail.

Crow started flying and when he had flown a great distance from the ground he shook off the feather that the hyena was holding on.

Swiiiiish, the hyena clan fell from the sky before hitting the ground with deafening thuds. Luckily, the clan survived but with broken hind legs. From that day on, the hyena walks with a limp.