Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero has decried the deteriorating levels of education in Nyanza and challenged stakeholders to reverse the downward trend.

Speaking in Awendo Constituency in Migori County yesterday, Kidero said it is unfortunate that the area that consistently led in terms of education 20 years ago now lags behind.

“We as leaders have to get back and see where we missed something,” he said.

The governor said out of the 51,000 students admitted in universities every year, Kisumu, Siaya, Homa Bay and Migori counties only account for 5,000 students.

He said out of the 9,000 Kenyan students who went to study outside the country, the region had less than 1,000.

Kidero asked leaders from the region to come together and improve the education standards.

“We cannot gamble with the future of our children using petty politics, we want politics of development in Nyanza,” Kidero said.