Mombasa County: Operations at the Mombasa port have been grounded for the third day following power blackouts that have rocked the city since Thursday.

Loading and offloading operations at the port are the most affected with ships that had docked at the facility on Thursday yet to discharge cargo.

According to Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) Public Relations Manager Bernard Osero the port had not loaded or offloaded ships since 5.45pm on Thursday as there was no power to move the seven ship-to-shore gantry cranes.

Mysterious fire

“Since Thursday cranes have been stuck on the three vessels that were offloading when power went off. But on the conventional cargo we are doing fairly well though at the documentation offices there were interruptions, we are using generators,” said Osero.

The island has experienced blackout since Thursday after a mysterious fire gutted a Kenya Power Company (KP) substation in Changamwe area.

According to the Kenya Power, the fire broke out at Kipevu Power Sea Level adversely affecting supply to the Mombasa airport, Kenya Pipeline, the refinery plant, KPA, Mombasa Island and North, which are the core business areas in the region.

In a statement KP Managing Director Eng Joseph Njoroge said the firm would restore power supply.

The power company’s CEO Dr Ben Chumo had visited the affected power plant at Kipevu.