Members of a church in Kagumo town, Kirinyaga County are still in shock after the church pianist took off with the pastor’s daughter.

Until their unceremonious escape, the two headed the church’s praise and worship team and had been cited the most powerful musical combination the church has ever witnessed

The combination was termed the most dependable spiritual team because the girl’s sharp voice synchronised well with the captivating beat composed by the pianist’s intriguing fingers of steel.


Most of the congregants believed that the girl would most likely become an authoritative female preacher, like her father who melted the hearts of the spiritually disturbed souls with fiery sermons every Sunday.

The pianist, on the other hand, had allegedly inherited his musical skills from his dad, who in his youthful days used to ‘pinch’ the bass guitar for a certain band in Embu. A member of the faithful, who spoke to this writer, even claimed there were plans for the two to be taken to a music studio in Nairobi to record a gospel album.

But before that could be done, the two realised they had a lot more in common, and decided to take their engagements a step above spiritual issues.

“I always suspected that there was something. I saw her several times staring at him from the church dais during the praise session, as the rest of the congregation danced,” said a resident who spoke to this writer.


Spiritually charged

It is alleged that the two took off, within the course of a kesha organised by the church, after leading the most spiritually charged praise and worship segment ever witnessed in the church.

“Dust rose in the air, as everybody shook to the captivating music. In fact, seats had been pushed to one corner of the church to create space for the congregation to dance to the Lord,” recounted one church member.

After the thrilling musical segment, the pastor was invited to serve the congregation with the ‘loaf of life’, which as always, he did with enough vigour to frighten Lucifer out of the darkest cave. But as he professed good things to the night assembly, his daughter and the instrumentalist were contemplating love, their hearts thudding.

The pianist first walked out, ostensibly to relieve himself, and was followed minutes later by the pastor’s daughter who was wiping sweat from her face with a handkerchief after the thrilling praise session. Their exit never raised eyebrows.

Biting cold

After each church member had partaken of the loaf served by the exceptional man of God, it was the turn of the praise team to shake the ground once more in a bid to awaken those who were falling asleep due to fatigue and the biting cold. They stood and flexed their bodies in readiness to momentarily convert the church hall into a dance floor once more.

But the praise session could not take off because the dependable instrumentalist was nowhere in sight.

The drummer was called to action, (there was nobody else in the congregation to handle the electronic gadget), but curiously the magical voice to accompany the drumbeat was missing.

By the time of going to press, the two were still missing.